Projects as goals

You will notice that alot of my posts under goals are projects. Why do you think that is? I want you to ponder that question for a moment.
Ok, now that you have thought about it for a few minutes, i will answer it for you. Most likely, you came up with the same answer as me haha.

The reason most, if not all my posts under goals are projects, is because i am a engineering student and my academic and career goals usually relate to projects. But why is this so important?????? Its important becasue i am a visual, physical learner. Building something helps a persons mind grow. I have goals to build really cool things, like a FPV 3d printed remote plane or drone, a CNC machine from mostly 3d printed parts, a 3d printer that prints more 3d printers, water filtration systems, etc.

Yes, i have the "basic" goals to pass my classes, have a good GPA, but to be honest, chasing that "A" or high gpa, is not what is going to land me a job. Sorry if that upsets anyone reading this, but i learned a VALUABLE life lesson from one of my math professors at SLCC. He once told me that if i focus my energy on getting an "A", i will get an "A", but within a few weeks, i will have forgotten most of what i have learned, but rather, if you focus on the UNDERSTANDING of WHY math works, HOW, and WHAT it does for us, you will be far more successful than the student who does otherwise.

For me, building things applies that mathematical knowledge of my 13 semesters of math i have taken, the 4 of physics, the mass amounts of hard work, energy and time spent in UNDERSTANDING my lifes passion. This is why my Goals page is filled with projects.

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