Semester project; Dynamics

Today, i started the semester project for Dynamics 2030. This is a very intensive Mechanical Engineering class that involves very advanced physics topics. I have learned a plethora of information in this class. Topics such as; At what point in time do you apply the boosters of a space shuttle to throw it into an elliptical orbit and how fast is it traveling to escape its current orbit? To answer said question, the space shuttle is roughly traveling at 5 miles per second... yes, you read that correctly, 5 miles per second. To find this, we had to use concepts such as angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum, Newtons gravitational force equations, and so forth......oh, and a crap ton of math, simplifications, substitutions and manipulations of equations.

Ok, now that you have an idea of what the class is about, imagine sitting there in class, thinking that the semester project will be related, then all of a sudden, you are thrown a curve ball and asked this question..
How do the elements of music improve generalized human stability???? Wait, WHAT?? this is an odd question to ask dynamic students. Trying to relate a space shuttle, rotational systems etc, to human stability? That was NOT the question i was thinking we were going to get for this class. However, i say.. "Bring it on" its a challenging question and not alot of research has been done on the topic, so this allows me to come up with my OWN theories, hypotheses (plural of hypothesis), conclusions and results.  

Whats interesting, my sister did her degree in speech and body mechanics of disabled children. She does ALOT of music therapy with them to improve their body awareness, their walking, posture, gait, and basic awareness of self. So i will be utilizing my sisters college books, her own research, and other scholarly articles she may have. So stay tuned for the final paper:)

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