Teaching others my classes

One of the best ways to learn a subject.... teach it to someone else. Now, when it comes to math, finding someone who needs help with math and wants to learn it is not to hard, but finiding someone to teach other subjects such as physics, thermo, chem, dynamics, strengths and any of the other crazy science classes to is, well, almost impossible. Not alot of my friends want to sit down and have me teach them. They like hearing about it, but not being taught the stuff haha.
Enter youtube. I have found that one of the best ways to teach someone, make a video of it on your tablet, or even phone. Its better with a larger screen for sure, but if your in a pinch, use your phone, or even a digital camera on a tripod as you use paper and pen to show your work.

The best method i have found, other than a camera, paper and pen, is to use Mobizen, a free screen capture utility for phones and tablets. It records whats on your screen AND your voice as well. I use either Squid or Autodesks sketchbook as the writing platform.

Take a peek at some of the videos i have done to help students in dynamics class: *NOTE* I am still a student myself, so these videos are of me learning as well. Be prepared for some mistakes!!!

Space shuttle problem
Speeding bullet problem
Subway car problem
Mass spring system on circular path
Conveyor belt problem

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